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My loved one has HCHWA-D. Now what?

Talk about it

We are very sorry for you. Unfortunately, as of now, there is no treatment for DCAA. We do recommend talking about it with someone. 

DCAA treatment

Currently there is no treatment for DCAA. However, someone may still need care. You can read more about your options here. In some countries there is the option of casemanagement. This person can help you coordinate care for your loved one, but also keeps an eye out for you. It is hard being a caregiver and you might need support as well.

Can I influence the trajectory of the disease?

Unfortunately there is no textbook on how to deal with your loved one having DCAA. We understand that that is very frustrating. We can only recommend a healthy lifestyle, which means exercise, a healthy diet, using your brain (learning new things, doing puzzles) and making sure there is social support. We recommend talking about the disease within your family, although this might be hard. Carrying the disease burden together might help you. It is also important that as a caregiver you spend time NOT taking care of your family member. Your GP or a casemanager can help you with this. 

How do I talk about DCAA with my loved one?

Make sure you're there for your loved one. Offer a listening ear. Show compassion. Don’t forget that you know your loved one intimately and are in the best possible position to decide what to do in certain situations.

We are here for you

We are here specifically to bring patients and relatives in contact with people who are in a similar situation. We are also there to assist caregivers and other members of the family. You can contact us through our CareCenter. It is also possible to visit your local GP who in turn can refer you to a psychologist or social worker.

Whatever you do, we strongly recommend that you and your loved one discuss your concerns  – with each other but also with other people in the know. Trust us, we speak from experience.